Thursday, March 29, 2012

UFBU Circular No.2 dated 26th March, 2012 :

 The Constituents of UFBU,  after due deliberations on the issues confronting the Banking Industry at its meeting held on 21.03.2012 at Mangalore, have decided to short list the issues,  set agenda for clinching long pending residual issues on time bound manner and to protect the hard earned bilateralism on HR issues.

It was also decided  to oppose  contentious  recommendations  of Khandelwal Committee recommendations as well as to continue to oppose the Banking Reforms through proposed amendment to Banking Laws and  Nationalised Banks’ Act, which may be taken up for passing in the Current Budget Session. We are successful in stalling labour and financial reforms agenda of the Government from 1991 onwards, due to our stiff opposition. Otherwise, IMF and World Bank dictates would have become the law of the land.

We have no alternative than to continue our opposition to these reforms. At the same time, we cannot ignore the issues directly affecting the members and their expectations. Therefore, it was decided to launch an agitation programme on following long pending issues.

1.          Demanding :
        Immediate resolution of:
a) Improvements to Compassionate Appointment / Compensation Scheme.
b)             Regulated working hours
c)             5 Day week
d)            Updation of  Pension and Pension related issues

2.          Opposing :
a) Unilateral imposition of Khandelwal Committee recommendations and changes in service conditions by the Government, ignoring bilateral understandings.

b)  Outsourcing of routine Banking Activities, through middlemen, viz., Business Correspondents and Business Facilitators.

     The UFBU will write to the IBA on the above short listed issues and urge upon them to resolve the same in a time bound manner. The following action programme has also been chalked out.;
i.            Demonstrations
ii.          Submission of Memorandum to  CMDs /CEOs of Banks
iii.        Seminar at Delhi and other metros  
iv.         Badge wearing
v.           Strike Action

     The above action programmes will commence from middle of April, 2012. We shall advise the dates of action programmes in due course.  

     It was also decided that, UFBU should take up with Government/RBI on mounting NPAs in Banking Industry, demanding transparency in write-offs and making public the names of willful defaulters, especially amongst, corporate customers.

     The UFBU will reiterate its demand on childcare leave as available to employees in Central Govt., improvements to staff welfare fund allocation and to oppose delegation of board level financial powers to Committee for Sanction of high value advances upto Rs. 400 crores and cross deputation of officers between RRBs and Sponsor Banks.

     There will be an exclusive meeting of UFBU during April 2012 to discuss on strategy for 10th Bipartite Negotiations and Khandelwal Committee Recommendations affecting Bilateralism.

     The undersigned is grateful to the UFBU Constituents for reposing faith and entrusting the responsibility of leading the UFBU as its Convenor .The UFBU has become a force to reckon with in the Banking Industry. It has to be further strengthened for the common cause of Bank Employees /Officers. The undersigned is confident that, with the wholehearted support and guidance of UFBU constituents, the task will be made easy.

     We place on record the services rendered by the outgoing Convenor, Com.C.H.Venkatachalam,  for his services to the bank Employees and Officers for more than 4 years.
With warm greeting,

                                                        Yours comradely,