Friday, September 30, 2011

Central Committee meeting of AIBEA-Decisions:

CIRCULAR NO. 26/107/2011/24                               29th September,  2011
Dear Comrades,



Central Committee meeting of AIBEA was held in Hyderabad on 28th and 29th September, 2011.  Com. Rajen Nagar, our President presided over the meeting along with our Vice Presidents Com. P N Tewari, Com. N K Gaur, Com. Mahesh Mishra and Com. J.P. Sharma.
Condolence:  The meeting observed a minute’s silence to condole the deaths of Com. Chaturaran Mishra, veteran leader of CPI and AITUC, Com. M K Pandhe, veteran leader of CPI-M and CITU, Com. R.D. Trivedi, leader of our movement in Gujarat, Com. Satish Sharma, former Treasurer of AIBEA, Com. S K Jain, Vice President of UPBEU as well as those innocent people who lost their lives in the bomb blasts in Mumbai and Delhi and those who lost their lives in the recent train accidents and other natural calamities.
Congratulations for the success of 5th Aug. Strike:  The Central Committee congratulated all our unions and entire membership for their commendable response in making the UFBU’s strike call on 5th August, 2011 a glorious success.  The CC also congratulated all the constituents of UFBU for their role in making the strike a complete success in the entire banking industry.  The CC thanked all the Central Trade Unions for their support to our struggle and to the Members of Parliament who raised our demands in the Parliament on the strike day.
Welcome to the united struggles of Central Trade Unions: The CC was very happy to take note of the increasing unity amongst the Central Trade Unions and welcomed their initiative to launch countrywide agitation and protest programmes culminating in the Satyagraha/Jail Bharo on 8th November, 2011 against the increasing anti-people, anti-worker policies of the Government.  The CC called upon all our units and members to support these porgrammes and participate in the general protest rallies, etc. being organized in this regard.
Increasing attacks on banking sector:  The CC took note of the increasing attacks on the banking sector like amendments to Banking Laws, allowing more and more foreign and private capital in banks with increasing voting rights, allowing the industrial and corporate houses to start their own banks, suggestion of Planning Commission to reduce Government’s capital in Banks to less than 51%, etc.
Beware – Outsoucing means privatization of our jobs and attack on our job security:  The CC was concerned to observe the increasing attempts of the managements to outsource our permanent and perennial jobs and the consequent attack on our job security.  In the name of financial inclusion, private and contracted Business Correspondents are being appointed in large number.  Outsourcing will affect the need for recruitment of permanent employees.  Outsourcing is a serious challenge to the trade unions and needs to be resisted and repulsed.
Attempts to foist Khandelwal Committee’s retrograde recommendations:  Despite the total protest of the entire bank employees against the anti-employee recommendations, there are serious attempts to somehow foist the same and get it implemented in our Banks.  The CC called upon UFBU/AIBEA to fight back this offensive.
Get ready for intensified struggle:  In the light of the above increasing challenges and attacks, the CC welcomed the decision of the UFBU to launch further programs and struggles including more strike actions.  The CC called upon all our unions to get ready to implement these programmes effectively and exhorted all our members to be prepared for more and more strike actions during the winter session of the Parliament.
Strengthen UFBU :  The CC noted the commendable role being played by UFBU in all the States and centres in forging united struggle in the banking sector on the present challenges and attacks.  The CC called upon the units of AIBEA to further broaden this unity, deepen the co-ordination and strengthen the UFBU at all levels while preparing for the ensuing struggles.
CC ratifies Kochi meeting decisions: A detailed reporting was made on the deliberations and decisions of the All India Presidents/General Secretaries of our Bankwise organisations held at Kochi on 13th and 14th July, 2011 on important issues like health of our Banks, Recruitments, Outsourcing, implementation of Pension Scheme for the new recruits after 1-4-2010, Banking/Business Hours in the branches, organisational tasks, etc. The CC ratified all these decisions and called upon our units to act accordingly.
Strengthen AIBOA:  Com. S. Nagarajan, Dy. General Secretary of AIBOA took part in our meeting and addressed the CC on the activities of their organisation and urged upon AIBEA and its units to further cement the co-ordination between our two organisations. The CC decided that all steps and efforts must be continued to strengthen AIBOA in all the Banks to enable a strong composite movement of the employees and officers in the banking sector.
Extend support to Strike in RRBs on 16-12-2011:  Com. G.G. Gandhi, General Secretary of All India Gramin Bank Employees Association reported on the decisions of their recent Central Committee meeting and informed that AIGBEA and AIGBOA ( our AIBIA-AIBOA units) have given a call for agitation on their important demands culminating in All India Strike in RRBs on 16-12-2011.  Com. D.D. Rustagi, our Joint Secretary and President of AIGBEA emphasised the need for our unions in the sponsoring Banks to help our units in the RRBs and to strengthen our organisations in the RRBs.  The CC decided to extend all help to their agitation and strike action.
Congrats to AICBEF on its Silver jubilee year:  Com. P. Balakrishnan, General Secretary, All India Co-op. Bank Employees Federation explained the details the problems faced by the co-op. bank employees and the activities undertaken by them.  The CC while greeting the AICBEF on its Silver Jubilee year, decided that all our State Federations shall pay special attention to extend all necessary assistance to the co-op. bank employees and further mobilise them under the banner of AIBEA.
Woes of Deposit Collectors should be ended early:  The CC noted the details of the proceedings before the Tribunal on our demand for improvement in the emoluments of the Bank Daily Deposit Collectors but was concerned about the undue delay.  The CC decided that efforts to resolve the problems by discussions with the IBA should be expedited and if necessary agitational steps are to be taken to redress the grievances of the Deposit Collectors.
Kerala to host the 27th Conference of AIBEA : The CC decided that the 27th Conference of AIBEA will be held in Kerala  around December, 2012/January, 2013
Co-option : Com. Koteswara Rao (Andhra Pradesh), Com. Arun Gupta (Jammu) and Com. S.K. Gautam (Punjab) were co-opted as members of the Central Committee in the interim vacancies. 
Internal disputes:  The CC was reported about the efforts being taken to resolve the disputes relating to All India Dena Bank Employees Co-ordination Committee and PNB Employees Union, Delhi.  The CC, while taking note of the developments, observed that organisational discipline should not be compromised and indiscipline should be dealt with sternly.
Three cheers to the host APBEF:  The CC appreciated the nice arrangements made by the host – Andhra Pradesh Bank Employees Federation for holding the meeting successfully.
With greetings,
Yours Comradely,