Monday, February 13, 2012


AIBEA CIRCULAR  NO.26/115/2012/2                                                            10th February, 2012
Dear Comrade
                       OUR GREETINGS TO AIBOA ON ITS                 
  32nd FOUNDING DAY – 14th FEB, 2012

31 years ago, as per the decision of AIBEA, we founded AIOBA with a view to develop a trade union organisation for bank officers on the lines, philosophy, principles and perceptions of AIBEA as well as to present a strong,  cohesive  and co-ordinated movement of employees and officers in the banking sector.  AIBEA and AIBOA have been designed to function as two sides of the same coin.  This was the vision of Com. Prabhat Kar who envisioned the need for a joint movement to face the future challenges.  Thus was born our AIBOA on 14-2-1981.
Over these three decades, AIBOA has covered a good distance and has grown into an organisation of its own repute.  Today it is the second largest trade union for the bank officers in our country.  It has membership in the public sector banks including IDBI Bank, in the private sector Banks, in the Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks. 
AIBOA has been playing a significant role both within the banking sector as well as in the general trade union movement.  In the days of struggle for introduction of pension scheme when AIBEA was opposed by all the other Unions, AIBOA played a very important role and stood with AIBVEA like a rock.  In many of the general struggles of the working class, AIBOA has taken part in the strike actions notwithstanding various constraints and difficulties.  Now also, AIBOA has given the call for strike on 28th February, 2012.
It is very notable that AIBOA has taken initiatives to identify itself with the task and need to organise general unorganised workers. Their setting up an exclusive Fund for this purpose is worthy of emulation.
Strengthening AIOBA and improving the co-ordination in our activities and struggles is a common task of all of us in AIBEA and AIBOA at all levels.  Our Unions under AIBEA should take more and more steps to build up strong AIOBA Unions in every Bank. 
While conveying our greetings and best wishes to AIBOA on their 32nd Founding Day, let us resolve to make AIOBA more stronger, more vibrant and more effective. 
After all, AIBEA and AIBOA are synonyms.  Strengthening AIBOA means strengthening AIBEA. Together, let us march forward.
Yours comradely,