Tel. No. : 044-2535 1522, 6543 1566, Fax : 044-2535 8853, 4500 2191
E Mail: chv.aibea@gmail.com , ufbu2007@gmail.com M - 98400 89920
CIRCULAR NO. UFBU/2011/19 19th September, 2011
Dear Comrades,
Move into next phase of agitation
Units are already aware that after te successful strike on 5th August, 2011, UFBU from its meeting held in Bangalore had given further agitational programmes with decision to observe intensified strike actions in the month of November, 2011 during the next session of the Parliament. UFBU also decided that in case the Government would proceed with the Banking Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2011 during the monsoon session of the Parliament, UFBU would give a call for instant strike.
Banking Bill not taken up in Parliament :-
It is a matter of pride that due to the impact of our glorious strike on 5th August and our call for Instant Strike, the Government did not proceed with the Banking Bill during the recent monsoon session of the Parliament. This is a definite push back of the Government’s efforts to speed up the banking sector reforms. We congratulate all our unions and members for the preparedness for the Instant Strike.
Further programmes :-
In the UFBU meeting held at Bangalore further agitational programmes have been decided upon. While our campaign meetings, seminars, workshops etc. are to be continued in order to update our members with the increasing attacks, the following two programmes are to be taken up on priority.
1. Massive Morcha / Rallies in all State Capitals and submission of Memorandum to the Chief Minister or Governor by a delegation of State UFBU Leaders.
This programme should be taken between 10th October and 10th November, 2011. State-level UFBU should meet immediately and fix up a date suitable to them for holding this Morcha / Rally. Bank employees and Officers from all over the State are to be mobilized for the programme.
2. Deputation to MDs / CMDs of all Banks asking them to take up the demands of UFBU with IBA for early resolution. The leaders in each Bank should fix up and undertake this programme.
Further programmes like demonstrations, rallies, Badge wearing, etc. will be given in due course.
UFBU will be shortly meeting the Chairman of IBA and Secretary of Banking Division in a delegation to impress upon them to settle our demands. We are awaiting the dates for these meetings from them.
Get Ready – Make the winter hot :-
Comrades, the Government is proceeding with their agenda. RBI has announced the Draft Norms to set up Private Banks by industrial and corporate houses. Planning Commission has suggested that Government’s Capital in PSBs may be reduced to less than 51%. Outsourcing and scheme of Private Banking Correspondents are on the increase. Our issues are not being resolved. Hence, as decided by the UFBU, please get ready for intensified agitations and strike actions during the winter session of the Parliament.
Our unity is our strength. Our united struggles are our weapons.
With greetings,
Yours Comradely,