Saturday, April 30, 2011


CIRCULAR NO. 26/89/2011/6                                               29th April, 2011


Dear Comrades, 

**  May Day 2011
** 125th Anniversary of International Working Class Solidarity & Struggles
** Let us Pledge to Fight for Labour Rights for All and a World Without             Exploitation
We convey our  revolutionary greetings to all our members on the occasion of 125th  anniversary of May Day – the day to denote the need for international solidarity of working class and a solemn occasion for the trade unions and workers to take a pledge to fight against oppression, suppression and exploitation of workers. May Day is the occasion to recall the great sacrifices made by the working class the world over and in great remembrances of the “Haymarket square agitation of Chicago Workers in 1886”.

May Day is an occasion to pay our homage to the martyrs and workers, who had dedicated their entire lives for the struggles against capitalism and those fighters, who laid their lives for having fought for the interests of the toiling masses.

It is now 125 years rich history of struggles, sacrifices, actions and uprising of the international working class movement against the onslaught of capital.  The course of these 125 years had been full of class oriented actions and internationalism of workers solidarity.  In the current situation also, our struggles continue against the imperialists forces and their orchestrated dirty attacks against the people of the world.

We are in the midst of a critical period of intense propensity saddled with two basic characteristics: a severe and deepening economic crisis of the world capitalist system and the resultant escalating offence against the working people leading to millions of workers to massive unemployment, misery, poverty, migration and sufferings.  The other is the growing aggressiveness of imperialism by military interventions against sovereign States.  The Nation States like USA, Europe and NATO backed by the capitalist Governments, crumbling under their own inner contradictions have launched an unprecedented attack on the workers and their labour rights resulting in reduction of permanent jobs, outsourcing and off-shoring of regular jobs, multiplying the menace of unemployment, reduction in wages and emoluments, slashing the pension and other social security benefits, denying social rights and bypassing the collective agreements.  These anti-labour policies are nothing but a sickening sign of parasitism and the decay of the capitalist system.

In such a global scenario, where the capitalist mode of production has nothing else to give but barbarism, we see the uprise of the workers in many countries in all continents, who have organized strikes and multiform of resistance movements.  The class struggles in Peru, Mexico, Columbia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, South Africa and Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Middle and North Africa, France, Portugal and Greece and elsewhere stand as an ample testimony to the collective wisdom of the people, who fight for their rights.  The recent developments and popular uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Syria amply demonstrate that the people are awakening for struggles against unemployment, poverty, State violence, corruptions, looting nations’ wealth and productive resources.  The struggle of the people is classified as terrorism to brutally curb the working class.  This should be understood as the new strategy of capitalists.

The current war organised against the working class by the capitalists is not only economic but aimed at deeper exploitation of the workforce.  It is a generalised war – ideological, political, cultural, social and environmental.  The sooner the working class identifies these conspiracies, the easier it is to fight back these capitalist offensives. 

In our country, the economic crisis arisen due to the policies of liberalisation, globalization and privatization has aggravated poverty and miseries for the common masses and working people.  On the one hand, the loot, plunder and exploitation has resulted in millionaires becoming billionaires.  On the other hand, masses are increasing groaning under degradation of living conditions, destitution and deprivations.  The situation is becoming a matter of serious concern for the working class - a section of the masses totally marginalised, another section moving towards extremism, yet another section getting succumbed to the vagaries of the neo-colonial exploitative policies, a section of the middle-class getting immersed in consumerism but a very small section becoming vulgar rich – the society is slowly moving towards a social volcano. When the conscious working class is fighting against these attacks and evils, they are becoming the target.  Employers are becoming ruthless and Government is becoming a pathetic colluder of the ruthless on the working class.  It is a diabolical game and all of us have to become more conscious of our roles and responsibilities.

In this background, it is very heartening that the trade unions in India are moving together and fighting on fundamental issues like price rise, job losses, violation of lab our laws, weakening on public sector and plight of unorganized workers.  We must be an active part of the emerging united struggles.

In our banking sector too, we continue to see the anxiety of the Government to speed up the reforms agenda.  New challenges are emerging when Government wants to go ahead with steps like giving licences to industrial houses for starting Banks, reduction of Government’s capital in Public Sector Banks, consolidation and merger of Public Sector Banks, allowing full voting rights for FDIs in banks, increasing FDI/FII in banking sector, increasing FDI limit in insurance sector, pension reforms, outsourcing banking jobs and services, privatising rural and retail credit, etc. We can ignore these serious issues only at our peril.

Thus are multiple challenges and multiple tasks.  Let this May Day inspire us to intensify our struggle.

Yours comradely,